Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #84
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #84
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #84
Day Numerology of #84 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #84 Event Patterns
Gematria Numerology: 8+4 = 12
Word Combinations
- Alexander = 39/84 : 51/159 : 456/5
04 - Chyna = 24/51 : 21/84 : 452/3
06 - Giffords = 48/84 : 42/132 : 252/5
04 - Luther = 3
0/84 : 33/78 : 413/504 - Pike = 23/41 : 22/67 : 84/246
- Robert = 33/78 : 39/84 : 317/468
- Seamus = 15/78 : 39/84 : 416/468
- Serling = 39/84 : 42/1
05 : 251/504
Number Names
- Abraham Lincoln = 6
0/123 : 84/255 : 305/738 - Antonin Scalia = 51/132 : 84/219 : 4
04/792 - George Walker Bush = 78/177 : 84/255 :147
0/1062 - Elton Hercules John = 78/2
04 : 84/255 :1324/1224 - Jape Richardson = 69/141 : 84/237 :1
031/846 - Keith Arlen Wise = 69/159 : 84/219 :1282/954
- Samuel "Screech" Powers = 84/228 : 1
05/285 : 1725/1368
- Arizona = 39/84 : 42/1
05 : 681/504 - Arkansas = 21/84 : 6
0/132 : 313/504 - Indio = 33/51 : 3
0/84 : 112/306 - Massachusetts = 33/168 : 84/183 : 8
Word Sums
Negative Words
Government Words
Occult Words
- Coincidence = 57/84 : 6
0/213 : 171/504- Lawyer = 3
0/84 : 33/78 :1406/504- Orleans = 3
0/84 : 42/105 : 286/504- States = 12/84 : 42/78 : 386/5
04- Sunday = 21/84 : 33/78 : 735/5
04- Worth = 3
0/84 : 24/51 :1138/504
Word Combinations
- Sepher Yetzirah = 84/183 : 69/195 :1351/1
098 - The Catholic Church = 84/165 : 87/294 : 6
09/990 - The Jesuit Order = 69/177 : 84/2
01 : 1336/1062 - The Twilight Zone = 84/2
01 : 69/204 :1861/1206 - United States of America = 84/228 : 132/339 : 929/1368
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
John Surrat was a Jesuit conspirator in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Adolfo Nicolas the former Jesuit Superior General died at the age 84.
Prime Minister = 84
ReplyDeleteDead = 84
Cameroon = 84
ReplyDeleteGoonies never say die.
ReplyDelete“Goonies” 84, 39, 105, 33
“Masonry” 105, 33, 84, 39
“Never say die” 127, 55, 170, 62
“Predecessor” 127, 55, 170, 72