Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #38
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #38
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #38
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #38
Day Numerology of #38 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #38 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology: 3+8 = 11
Beast Numerology of #11 Connections
- Achidi = 34/34 : 38/128 : 34/2
04 - Adolf = 2
0/38 : 25/97 : 81/228 - Apollyon = 38/11
0: 34/106 : 641/660 - Bernice = 38/56 : 43/133 : 144/336
- Dorian = 34/61 : 38/1
01 : 184/366 - Harbour = 38/83 : 43/1
06 : 421/498 - Harding = 43/61 : 38/128 : 149/366
- Lincoln = 34/79 : 38/11
0: 182/474 - Lucifer = 38/74 : 43/115 : 323/444
- Prince = 38/65 : 34/97 : 197/39
0 - Napoleon = 38/92 : 34/124 : 266/552
- McKinley = 38/92 : 43/124 : 517/522
- Screech = 34/61 : 38/128 : 194/366
- Trayvon = 34/115 : 38/74 :1371/69
0 - Walker = 25/7
0: 38/92 :1016/420 - Wilkes = 25/79 : 38/83 :1
034/474 - Ziggy = 38/74 : 16/61 : 923/444
- Colorado = 38/83 : 43/133 : 258/498
- Florida = 38/65 : 43/124 : 17
0/390 - Germany = 38/83 : 34/1
06 : 563/498 - Louisiana = 38/1
01 : 61/142 : 420/606 - Macedonia = 38/65 : 52/178 : 143/39
0 - Manama = 16/43 : 38/119 : 1
03/258 - Memphis = 38/83 : 34/1
06 : 232/498 - Minnesota = 38/11
0: 52/133 : 365/660 - Monument = 34/115 : 38/1
01 : 495/690 - Ontario = 38/92 : 43/97 : 33
0/552 - Oregon = 38/74 : 25/88 : 232/444
Word Sums
Random Words
Shape Words
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
Government Words
- Christmas = 38/11
0: 61/133 : 411/660- Club = 11/38 : 25/7
0: 225/228- Egyptian = 43/97 : 38/119 : 622/582
- English = 38/74 : 34/115 : 179/444
- Gematria = 38/74 : 52/142: 233/444
- Gold = 2
0/38 : 16/70: 81/228- Pacific = 38/47 : 43/142 : 91/282
- Paz = 16/43 : 11/38 : 561/258
- Present = 34/97 : 38/92 : 38
0/582- Reverse = 38/92 : 43/97 : 965/552
Occult Words
- Abrahamic = 38/56 : 61/187 : 135/336
- Annuit = 25/79 : 38/83 : 39
0/474- Change = 29/38 : 25/124 : 64/228
- Create = 25/52 : 38/11
0: 194/312- Death = 2
0/38 : 25/97 : 118/228- Energy = 38/74 : 25/88 : 537/444
- Holiday = 38/74 : 34/115 : 492/444
- Julii = 25/61 : 38/74 : 838/366
- Kabbalah = 2
0/38 : 52/178 : 45/228- Knights = 34/88 : 38/1
01 : 264/528- Magister = 38/92 : 52/124 : 322/552
- Maiorem = 38/74 : 43/115 : 2
05/444- Secret = 25/7
0: 38/92 : 283/420- Spirits = 38/11
0: 52/79 : 438/660- Symbology = 43/133 : 38/11
Zodiac Names
Word Combinations
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
Ben Jordan a Kentucky Wildcat basketball and baseball player
- Ben Jordan and Pandemic sum to 38 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction.
- Death sums to 38 in Simple/English Ordinal.
- Murder sums to 38 in Reverse Reduction.
- Killing sums to 38 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction.
- RIP sums to 38 in Reverse Ordinal.
Tim Russert died on June 13, 2008 the 38th day of his age.
The "Murder by Numbers" movie poster has letters changed to numbers the 'E' to a '3' and the 'B' to an '8' or 3&8 like 38.
FIRE= 38