Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #33
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #33
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #33
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #33
Day Numerology of #33 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #33 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology: 3+3 = 6
Reduced Numerology of #6 Research
- Antonin = 33/87 : 39/1
02: 280/522 - Clinton = 33/87 : 39/1
02: 262/522 - Darren = 33/6
0: 39/102: 210/360 - Don = 15/33 : 12/48 : 94/198
- Duffer = 33/6
0: 30/102: 301/360 - Fred = 24/33 : 21/75 : 95/198
- Gale = 16/25 : 2
0/83 : 33/150 - Gamaliel = 33/6
0: 48/156 : 93/360 - James = 12/48 : 33/87 : 726/288
- Junior = 33/87 : 39/75 : 979/522
- Kennedy = 33/78 : 3
0/111 : 504/468 - Kobe = 15/33 : 21/75 : 67/198
- Luther = 3
0/84 : 33/78 : 413/504 - Parker = 33/69 : 39/93 : 236/414
- Patrick = 33/78 : 48/111 : 263/468
- Mantenuto = 33/123 : 48/12
0: 566/738 - Melvin = 3
0/75 : 33/87 : 804/450 - Michael = 33/51 : 39/138 : 76/3
06 - Powers = 33/96 : 3
0/66 : 1185/576 - Rickman = 33/69 : 48/12
0: 173/414 - Robbie = 33/51 : 39/111 : 148/3
06 - Robert = 33/78 : 39/84 : 317/468
- Sirhan = 33/69 : 39/93 : 228/414
- Tom = 12/48 : 15/33 : 18
0/288 - Turner = 33/87 : 39/66 : 5
Number Names
Number Placement
- Berlin = 33/6
0: 39/102 : 156/360 - Brunei = 33/69 : 39/93 : 336/414
- Cleveland = 33/78 : 48/165 : 798/468
- Compton = 33/96 : 3
0/93 : 333/576 - Delaware = 33/69 : 48/147 :1
016/414 - England = 3
0/57 : 33/132 : 117/342 - Flagstaff = 33/78 : 48/165 : 237/468
- Guinea = 3
0/57 : 33/105 : 262/342 - Hawaii = 33/51 : 39/111 : 928/3
06 - Holland = 3
0/66 : 33/123 : 143/396 - Hollywood = 48/129 : 33/114 : 15
02/774 - Indio = 33/51 : 3
0/84 : 112/306 - Lake Tahoe = 33/78 : 48/165 : 2
00/468 - Marchant = 33/78 : 48/138 : 263/468
- Massachusetts = 33/168 : 84/183 : 8
08/1008 - Mexico = 33/69 : 39/93 : 397/414
- New York = 39/111 : 33/78 :1485/666
- Newtown = 33/114 : 3
0/75 : 118/684
Random Words
Shape Words
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
- Abyad = 15/33 : 3
0/102 : 408/198- Company = 33/87 : 3
0/102 : 584/522- Crime = 3
0/48 : 33/87 : 127/288- Device = 3
0/48 : 33/114 : 726/288- Empire = 39/66 : 33/96 : 189/396
- Federal = 33/51 : 39/138 : 121/3
06- Freedom = 39/66 : 33/123 : 18
0/396- Gate = 15/33 : 21/75 : 113/198
- Indian = 33/51 : 39/111 : 1
03/306- Lawyer = 3
0/84 : 33/78 :1406/504- Marine = 33/6
0: 39/102 : 165/360- Mexican = 33/69 : 39/12
0: 156/414- Myrtle = 3
0/93 : 33/69 : 635/558- Name = 15/33 : 21/75 : 76/198
- Newsweek = 33/1
05 : 39/111 :1955/630- Orange = 33/6
0: 30/102 : 183/360- People = 33/69 : 21/93 : 2
00/414- Person = 33/87 : 3
0/75 : 325/522- Police = 33/6
0: 30/102: 147/360- Project = 33/87 : 39/1
02 : 898/522- Ruger = 33/69 : 3
0/66 : 372/414- Sunday = 21/84 : 33/78 : 735/5
04- Tal = 6/33 : 21/48 : 121/198
- Teacher = 33/6
0: 39/129 : 202/360- Times = 21/66 : 33/69 : 234/396
- Trade = 21/48 : 33/87 : 19
- Akbar = 15/33 : 39/1
02 : 94/198- Amen = 15/33 : 21/75 : 76/198
- Believe = 33/6
0: 39/126 : 746/360- Belief = 3
0/39 : 33/123 : 47/234- Bible = 21/3
0: 33/105 : 38/180- Bishop = 33/69 : 3
0/93 : 219/414- Bonesmen = 33/87 : 39/129 : 262/522
- Coeptis = 33/87 : 39/1
02 : 317/522- Coptic = 3
0/66 : 33/96 : 225/396- Demigod = 39/57 : 33/132 : 1
09/342- Diamond = 33/6
0: 39/129 : 138/360- Eclipse = 33/69 : 39/12
0: 192/414- Genesis = 33/78 : 39/111 : 246/468
- Hominum = 39/93 : 33/96 : 367/558
- Knight = 33/69 : 3
0/93 : 174/414- Magic = 24/33 : 3
0/102 : 50/198- Masonry = 33/1
05 : 39/84 : 691/630- Order = 33/6
0: 30/75 : 219/360- Secrecy = 33/78 : 39/111 : 586/468
- Seed = 15/33 : 21/75 : 1
04/198- Skull = 12/75 : 33/6
0: 340/450- Society = 33/96 : 39/93 : 657/576
- Theorem = 39/84 : 33/1
05 : 278/504- Tisha = 21/57 : 33/78 : 2
08/342- Yin = 21/48 : 15/33 : 449/288
Zodiac Names
Word Combinations
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
44 people were reported killed during the Mount Meron, Israel Lag BaOmer Festival from 4/29-4/30/2021. The cause was a stampede. Lag BaOmer is a Jewish religious holiday celebrated on the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer, which occurs on the 18th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar.
- Side Note: 4+29 = 33
Joe Biden got his second coronavirus vaccine on January 11, 2021 or 1/11/2021 like 111. Ben Jordan a Kentucky Wildcat basketball and baseball player died on the same day at age 22. He wore #33.
- Eclipse and Masonry sums to 33 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction.
- Corona sums to 33 in Reverse Reduction.
Naya Rivera, a star of TV show Glee was 33 when she died on July 8, 2020 or 7/8/2020 like 78. She also starred in the 33rd episode of the show Devious Maids where her character dies. Her character in a horror film called At the Devil's Door, wears a red sweater with the number 33 on it.
The COPS TV show was dropped by Paramount June 9, 2020 or 6/9/2020 like 69, after it's 33rd season due to the George Floyd protests. The rioting began after George Floyd's killing on 33rd Street in Minneapolis by Derek Chauvin.
Detroit erected a statue of RoboCop 33 years after the 1987 film release on January 14, 2020 or 1/14/2020 like 114.
Trayvon Martin was buried on March 3, 2012 or 3/3/2012 like 33.
The World Trade Centers collapsed after 33-years of construction. Mohamed Atta ringleader of the 19 hijackers died at age 33 during September 11, 2001 or 9/11/2001 like 911, event.
Bill Gates was head of Microsoft for 33-years, on March 13 1986 Microsoft became a public company. His 137th day of his age. 137 is the 33rd prime number.
Rodney King was beaten by the L.A.P.D. on March 3, 1991 or 3/3/1991 like 33.
Ernie Davis a football player died May 18, 1963 ot 5/18/1963 [5+1+8+1+9+6+3] = 33 Numerology. He played for Cleveland Browns and he was the first African-American Heisman Award winner.
- Cleveland, Ernie and Heisman sum to 33 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction.
The 33rd President was Harry S Truman who became a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason on October 9, 1945.
London is divided into 33 areas.
In the 33rd episode of the old hit TV show Batman titled Fine Finny Fiends, it is revealed that Skull and Bones is part of the Bruce Wayne family legacy.
George Washington was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. The House of the Temple, the Scottish Rite HQ in Washington D.C. has 33 columns on the outside, each 33 feet tall. Oregon is the 33rd state.
The National Security Act prior to being enacted it was introduced in the Senate on March 3 or 3/3 like 33.
The is an occult belief about a spiritual ascension up the 33 bones of the human vertebrae that leads to enlightening the minds eye or pineal gland.
Jesus was put on the cross at age 33.
- Jesus, Cross, Messiah, Parables and Gospel all sum to 74 in Simple/English Ordinal.
- Numerology Meaning
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