Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #26
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #26
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #26
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #26
Day Numerology of #26 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #26 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology: 2+6 = 8
Reduced Numerology of #8 Research
- Abraham = 26/44 : 46/145 : 123/264
- Adam = 1
0/19 : 26/89 : 36/114 - Adonai = 26/44 : 37/118 : 1
05/264 - Alan = 1
0/28 : 26/80: 62/168 - Anton = 19/64 : 26/71 : 231/384
- Antony = 26/89 : 28/73 : 631/534
- Apollo = 26/71 : 28/91 : 2
01/426 - Bryant = 26/8
0: 37/82 : 623/480 - Chekov = 28/64 : 26/98 : 776/384
- Emanuel = 26/71 : 37/118 : 3
01/426 - Eric = 26/35 : 28/73 : 97/21
0 - Erin = 28/46 : 26/62 : 134/276
- Gabbie = 26/26 : 37/136 : 26/156
- God = 17/26 : 1
0/55 : 61/156 - Jordan = 26/62 : 37/1
00: 775/372 - Joseph = 28/73 : 26/89 : 813/438
- Jr. = 1
0/28 : 17/26 : 680/168 - Keith = 26/53 : 28/82 : 132/318
- Lazarus = 26/98 : 46/91 : 892/588
- Lea = 9/18 : 18/63 : 26/1
08 - Myers = 26/8
0: 28/55 : 605/480 - Nick = 19/37 : 26/71 : 62/222
- Putin = 26/8
0: 28/55 : 409/480 - Qaeda = 19/28 : 26/1
07 : 81/168 - Ralph = 28/55 : 26/8
0: 169/330 - Sir = 19/46 : 26/35 : 179/276
- Thoth = 26/71 : 19/64 : 266/426
Number Names
Number Placement
- Babylon = 26/71 : 37/118 : 515/426
- Chile = 28/37 : 26/98 : 45/222
- China = 26/35 : 28/1
00: 61/210 - Dublin = 26/62 : 37/1
00: 275/372 - Erie = 28/37 : 26/71 : 99/222
- Fontana = 26/71 : 37/118 : 238/426
- Idaho = 28/37 : 26/98 : 72/222
- Istanbul = 26/98 : 55/118 : 462/588
- Nebraska = 26/71 : 55/145 : 229/426
- Phoenix = 46/91 : 26/98 : 472/546
Random Words
- Against = 26/71 : 46/118 : 248/426
- Air = 19/28 : 26/53 : 9
0/168- Deeds = 19/37 : 26/98 : 1
08/222- Dog = 17/26 : 1
0/55 : 61/156- Game = 17/26 : 19/82 : 43/156
- Focus = 19/64 : 26/71 : 349/384
- Healed = 26/35 : 28/127 : 43/21
0- Image = 26/35 : 28/1
00: 52/210- Is = 1
0/28 : 17/26 : 99/168- Lesbian = 26/62 : 46/127 : 167/372
- Like = 19/37 : 26/71 : 44/222
- Rugby = 28/73 : 26/62 : 689/438
- Unity = 26/89 : 28/46 : 749/534
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
- Action = 26/62 : 37/1
00: 203/372- Beach = 19/19 : 26/116 : 19/114
- Behold = 28/46 : 26/116 : 89/276
- Capital = 26/62 : 46/127 : 194/372
- County = 26/98 : 28/64 : 793/588
- Covid = 26/53 : 28/82 : 766/318
- Daytona = 26/8
0: 37/109 : 596/480- Grand = 26/44 : 28/91 : 132/264
- Greek = 28/46 : 26/89 : 1
07/276- Hour = 26/62 : 19/46 : 338/372
- Largo = 26/53 : 28/82 : 158/318
- Laws = 1
0/55 : 26/53 : 1011/330- Letter = 26/8
0: 37/82 : 310/480- Park = 19/46 : 26/62 : 151/276
- Party = 26/8
0: 28/55 : 641/480- Place = 19/37 : 26/98 : 89/222
- Quest = 19/82 : 26/53 : 456/492
- Treaty = 26/89 : 37/73 : 686/534
- Warm = 19/55 : 26/53 : 1
- Bones = 19/55 : 26/8
0: 187/330- Chaos = 19/46 : 26/89 : 152/276
- Crusade = 26/71 : 46/118 : 383/426
- Faith = 26/44 : 28/91 : 124/264
- Hope = 26/44 : 1
0/64 : 123/264- Logic = 28/46 : 26/89 : 89/276
- Magick = 26/44 : 37/118 : 6
0/264- Novus = 19/91 : 26/44 : 1
080/546- Qur'an = 26/71 : 28/64 : 391/426
- Seal = 1
0/37 : 26/71 : 116/222- Spell = 19/64 : 26/71 : 195/384
- Temple = 26/71 : 28/91 : 22
0/426- Torah = 26/62 : 28/73 : 239/372
- Wilt = 19/64 : 26/44 : 1
029/384Zodiac Names
Word Combinations
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash on January 26, 2020 or 1/26/2020 like 126. N.T.S.B. (The National Transportation Safety Board) announced the cause of the crash was disorientation on February 9, 2021 or 2/9/2021 like 29.