Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #49
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #49
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #49
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #49
Day Numerology of #49 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #49 Event Patterns
Beast Numerology: 4+9 = 13
Beast Numerology of #13 Connections
- Benjamin = 32/68 : 49/148 : 727/4
08 - Cunningham = 5
0/104 : 49/166 : 378/624 - Hiram = 31/49 : 32/86 : 128/294
- Pythagoras = 49/13
0: 50/140: 797/780 - Rickles = 32/77 : 49/112 : 217/462
- Osama = 13/49 : 32/86 : 172/294
- Washington = 49/13
0: 44/161 :1245/780 - Weishaupt = 41/122 : 49/121 :1373/732
- Zimmerman = 49/112 : 5
0/131 : 725/672
Number Names
Number Placement
Number Combinations
- Seventy-seven = 49/175 : 59/149 :218
- Andrew Yang = 49/112 : 5
0/158 :1478/672 - Autumn Snyder = 49/175 : 68/149 :119
0/1050 - David Bowie = 49/94 : 59/176 :1684/564
- Nancy Reagan = 49/1
03 : 59/194 : 618/618 - Rodney King = 59/122 : 49/148 : 645/732
- America = 32/5
0: 49/139 : 129/300 - Dallas = 13/49 : 41/113 : 136/294
- Fort Myers = 49/139 : 5
0/104 : 841/834 - Lake Ontario = 49/121: 68/176 : 366/726
- Madrid = 31/49 : 41/113 : 128/294
- Mozambique = 5
0/122 : 49/148 : 897/732 - Myrtle Beach = 49/112 : 59/185 : 654/672
- Parkland = 32/77 : 49/139 : 216/462
- Singapore = 5
0/104 : 49/139 : 342/624 - Tahoe = 22/49 : 23/86 : 164/294
Word Sums
Random Words
Symbol Words
Negative Words
Government Words
- Connection = 49/112 : 5
0/158 : 340/672- Curiosity = 49/139 : 59/1
04 : 941/834- Days = 13/49 : 23/59 : 495/294
- Dimensions = 49/121 : 59/149 : 367/726
- Fort = 23/59 : 22/49 : 236/354
- Green = 31/49 : 23/86 : 137/294
- Legislative = 49/121 : 68/176 : 966/726
- Logo = 22/49 : 14/59 : 127/294
- National = 32/86 : 49/13
0: 261/516- Operation = 5
0/113 : 49/130: 395/678- Parallel = 32/77 : 49/139 : 2
07/462- Republic = 41/86 : 49/13
0: 379/516- Research = 41/77 : 49/139 : 272/462
- Speed = 22/49 : 23/86 : 164/294
- Superior = 49/121 : 5
0/95 : 574/726- Veterans = 32/1
04 : 49/112 :1021/624
- Ad = 5/5 : 13/49 : 5/3
0- Apocalypse = 41/113 : 49/157 : 69
0/678- Catholicism = 49/112 : 68/185 : 323/672
- Divinity = 49/112 : 5
0/104 :1271/672- Methodist = 41/113 : 49/13
0: 396/678- Revelation = 49/121 : 59/149 :1
010/726- Scottish = 32/113 : 49/1
03 : 450/678- Unicorns = 41/113 : 49/1
03 : 512/678- Yetzirah = 49/112 : 41/1
04 :1103/672
- Comet Ison = 41/113 : 49/13
0: 377/678 - Die Hard = 4
0/49 : 41/140: 103/294 - God is Dead = 41/68 : 49/175 : 174/4
08 - Eleventh Day = 49/121 : 5
0/176 :1288/726
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
"CamColdheart" Cameron Henegan Jr. died on April 24, 2021. He died the date of DMX memorial.
Israel’s government introduced the ‘Green’ Pass on February 18, 2021 (or 2/18 like 218), the 49th day of the year.
- Green Pass sums to 49 in Reverse Reduction.
The number 49 is closely tied to Revelation, the concluding book of the Bible, where you must have the Mark of the Beast, to buy or sell, not far off from the idea of how the Green pass works.
- Revelation sums to 49 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction.
ReplyDeleteSUPER BOWL= 49