Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #29
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #29
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #29
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #29
Day Numerology of #29 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #29 Event Patterns
Beast Numerology: 2+9 = 11
Beast Numerology of #11 Connections
- Allah = 16/34 : 29/1
01 : 50/204 - Andrew = 29/65 : 25/88 :1
030/390 - Biden = 25/34 : 29/1
01 : 60/204 - Carl = 16/34 : 29/74 : 1
04/204 - Corbett = 29/83 : 43/1
06 : 340/498 - Evans = 16/61 : 29/74 : 836/366
- Gates = 16/52 : 29/83 : 2
03/312 - Gerald = 29/47 : 34/115 : 117/282
- Ghandi = 34/43 : 29/119 : 69/258
- Harvey = 34/79 : 29/83 :1194/474
- Hubert = 29/74 : 34/88 : 395/444
- Jack = 7/25 : 29/83 : 614/15
0 - Lennon = 29/74 : 25/88 : 195/444
- Mark = 16/43 : 29/65 : 121/258
- Moran = 25/61 : 29/74 : 2
01/366 - Muhammad = 29/74 : 43/142: 3
04/444 - Philip = 43/7
0: 29/92 : 166/420 - Ryder = 34/7
0: 29/65 : 569/420 - Ted = 11/29 : 16/52 : 1
09/174 - Trump = 25/88 : 29/47 : 47
0/528 - Wilson = 29/92 : 34/7
Number Names
- Cape Cod = 29/47 : 34/142 : 126/282
- France = 29/47 : 34/115 : 135/282
- Greece = 34/43 : 29/119 : 1
05/258 - Kentucky = 29/11
0: 43/106 : 768/660 - London = 29/74 : 25/88 : 2
04/444 - Manhattan = 29/92 : 52/151 : 321/552
- Mobile = 29/56 : 34/1
06 : 116/336 - Moscow = 25/88 : 29/74 :1123/528
- Ohio = 29/47 : 16/61 : 117/282
- Okinawa = 29/74 : 43/115 :1
011/444 - Wyoming = 43/1
06 : 29/83 :1436/636
Random Words
- Adore = 25/43 : 29/92 : 14
0/258- Center = 29/65 : 34/97 : 233/39
0- Choice = 34/43 : 29/119 : 78/258
- Hat = 11/29 : 16/52 : 1
09/174- Heart = 25/52 : 29/83 : 194/312
- It = 11/29 : 16/25 : 1
09/174- Light = 29/56 : 25/79 : 144/336
- Method = 29/65 : 25/97 : 197/39
0- Now = 16/52 : 11/29 : 99
0/312- On = 11/29 : 7/25 : 9
0/174- Football = 29/83 : 43/133 : 249/498
Negative Words
Psy-Op Words
Government Words
- Benton = 25/7
0: 29/92 : 237/420- Force = 29/47 : 25/88 : 144/282
- Lake = 11/29 : 25/79 : 36/174
- Member = 29/56 : 34/1
06 : 152/336- Names = 16/52 : 29/83 : 166/312
- Nuclear = 29/74 : 43/115 : 349/444
- Numbers = 29/92 : 43/97 : 447/552
- Opa-locka = 29/74 : 43/142 : 195/444
- Paper = 29/56 : 25/79 : 2
06/336- Pearl = 25/52 : 29/83 : 166/312
- Prime = 34/61 : 29/74 : 184/366
- Radio = 29/47 : 34/88 : 144/282
- Reduce = 29/56 : 34/1
06 : 297/336- Roman = 25/61 : 29/74 : 2
01/366- Russian = 29/1
01 : 52/88 : 510/606- Simple = 29/74 : 34/88 : 214/444
- Wars = 16/61 : 29/47 :1
071/366- Whig = 29/47 : 16/61 : 924/282
- White = 29/65 : 25/7
Occult Words
- Black = 11/29 : 34/1
06 : 36/174- Block = 16/43 : 29/92 : 85/258
- Chance = 25/34 : 29/128 : 6
0/204- Change = 29/38 : 25/124 : 64/228
- Church = 34/61 : 29/1
01 : 302/366- Duality = 29/92 : 43/79 : 734/552
- Gospel = 29/74 : 25/88 : 232/444
- Hebrew = 34/61 : 29/1
01 :1000/366- Jewish = 29/74 : 34/88 :1612/444
- Masonic = 29/74 : 43/115 : 223/444
- Messiah = 29/74 : 43/115 : 233/444
- Parables = 29/74 : 52/142 : 259/444
- Prophecy = 52/1
06 : 29/110: 666/636- Rite = 25/52 : 29/56 : 194/312
- Wisdom = 29/83 : 34/79 :1
Word Combinations
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
44 people were reported killed during the Mount Meron, Israel Lag BaOmer Festival a Jewish holiday from 4/29-4/30/2021. The cause was a stampede. April 29th is the 119th day of the year.
- Stampede and Jewish both sum to 29 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction.
The Vatican City in Italy, a spiritual center, established February 11, 1929.
Fire= 29
ReplyDelete2 Sep = 2/9= Great Fire of London in 1666