Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #43
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #43
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #43
Day Numerology of #43 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #43 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology: 4+3 = 7
Reduced Numerology of #7 Research
- Bernice = 38/56 : 43/133 : 144/336
- Caesar = 2
0/47 : 43/115 : 180/282 - Corbett = 29/83 : 43/1
06 : 340/498 - Ford = 25/43 : 20/65 : 14
0/258 - Ghandi = 34/43 : 29/119 : 69/258
- Harbour = 38/83 : 43/1
06 : 421/498 - Harding = 43/61 : 38/128 : 149/366
- Julius = 2
0/92 : 43/70:1119/522 - Lucifer = 38/74 : 43/115 : 323/444
- Mark = 16/43 : 29/65 : 121/258
- McKinley = 38/92 : 43/124 : 517/552
- Muhammad = 29/74 : 43/142 : 3
04/444 - Philip = 43/7
0: 29/92 : 166/420 - Reginald = 43/7
0: 47/146 : 166/420 - Riddler = 43/7
0: 47/119 : 202/420 - Vladimir = 43/88 : 56/128 : 853/528
Number Combinations
- Alan Rickman = 43/97 : 74/2
00: 235/582 - Jesus Christ = 43/151 : 74/146 :1275/9
06 - Tom Hanks = 29/1
01: 43/115: 329/606
- Cheyenne = 43/79 : 29/137 : 5
06/474 - Florida = 38/65 : 43/124 : 17
0/390 - Greece = 34/43 : 29/119 : 1
05/258 - Jacksonville = 43/133 : 74/191 :1548/798
- Kansas = 11/65 : 43/97 : 232/39
0 - Kentucky = 29/11
0: 43/106 : 768/660 - Knoxville = 43/124 : 47/119 :1154/744
- Manama = 16/43 : 38/119 : 1
03/258 - New Jersey = 43/124 : 47/119 :2125/744
- Ontario = 38/92 : 43/97 : 33
0/552 - South Korea = 43/133 : 56/137 : 594/798
- Wyoming = 43/1
06 : 29/83 :1436/636
Word Sums
Word Combinations
Floyd Little a player with 43 career touchdowns with the Broncos died January 1, 2021 or 1/1/2021 [1+1+20+21] = 43 Numerology.
Pennsylvania Representative Mike Reese died on January 2, 2021 or 1/2/2021 like 12. 43 weeks after his last birthday March 7, 2020 or 3/7/2020 like 37. This was 43 days after Joe Biden's birthday on November 20, 2020 or 11/20/2020 like 112.
Random Words
Shape Words
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
Government Words
- Agreement = 43/88 : 47/155 : 273/528
- Armistice = 43/97 : 65/146 : 327/582
- Book = 16/43 : 2
0/65 : 112/258- Egyptian = 43/97 : 38/119: 622/582
- Nuclear = 29/74 : 43/115 : 349/444
- Numbers = 29/92 : 43/97 : 447/552
- Opa-locka = 29/74 : 43/142 : 195/444
- Paz = 16/43 : 11/38 : 561/258
- Policeman = 43/88 : 47/155 : 218/528
- Political = 43/97 : 56/146: 272/582
- Reverse = 38/92 : 43/97 : 965/552
Occult Words
- Block = 16/43 : 29/92 : 85/258
- Draconian = 43/79 : 56/164 : 228/474
- Freemasons = 43/115 : 56/155 : 397/69
0- Lodge = 25/43 : 2
0/92 : 86/258- Maiorem = 38/74 : 43/115 : 2
05/444- Masonic = 29/74 : 43/115 : 223/444
- Messiah = 29/74 : 43/115 : 233/444
- Preacher = 47/74 : 43/142 : 242/444
- Speculative = 43/133 : 65/164 :1193/798
- Symbology = 43/133 : 38/11
0:1049/798- Trinity = 43/115 : 47/74 : 738/69
Word Combinations
- Civil War = 43/97 : 56/119 :1722/582
- Lone Wolves = 43/97 : 47/128 :188
0/852 - Saturn Storm = 43/178 : 74/119 : 861/1
068 - Seal of Saturn = 43/151 : 74/173 : 683/9
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
One [1] out of eight [8] (or [1,8] like 18) of the first people to receive the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was Ralph Evans at age 88 on January 4, 2021 or 1/4/2021 like 14. He was followed by Derek Games, former mayor of Merthyr.
- The full name Derek Games and Murdered sum to 43 in Pythagorean/Full Reduction.
- Derek sums to 43 in Simple/English Ordinal.
- Pandemic and Eugenics sum to 43 in Reverse Reduction.
- R.I.P. sums to 43 in Simple/English Ordinal.
- Football and Killing sum to 43 in Reverse Reduction.
- R.I.P. sums to 43 in Simple/English Ordinal.
Tom Brady moved on to play football in Florida at the age of 43.
- Florida sums to 43 in Reduced Reduction.
George H.W. Bush was the 43rd Vice President.
George W. Bush is the 43rd President.
Jeb Bush was the 43rd Governor of Florida at the time of the 2004 election.
The founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, died November 18, 1830, that day leaves 43 days remaining in the year.
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