Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #47
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #47
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #47
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #47
Day Numerology of #47 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #47 Event Patterns
Beast Numerology: 4+7 = 11
Beast Numerology of #11 Connections
- Ben = 12/21 : 15/6
0: 47/126 - Caesar = 2
0/47 : 43/115 : 180/282 - Davidson = 34/88 : 47/128 : 898/528
- Francis = 34/7
0: 47/119 : 229/420 - Gerald = 29/47 : 34/115 : 117/282
- John = 2
0/47 : 16/61 : 698/282 - Metatron = 34/1
06 : 47/110: 406/636 - Reginald = 43/7
0: 47/146 : 166/420 - Riddler = 43/7
0: 47/119 : 202/420 - Roth = 25/61 : 2
0/47 : 238/366 - Surrat = 25/97 : 47/65 : 551/582
- Trump = 25/88 : 29/47 : 47
0/528 - William = 34/79 : 47/11
0: 989/474
Number Names
- Davy Jones = 34/115 : 47/128 : 189
0/690 - Don Rickles = 47/11
0: 61/160: 311/660 - Melinda Gates = 47/11
0: 70/214 : 312/660 - Osama Bin Laden = 47/11
0: 79/241 : 293/660 - Saddam Hussein = 47/137 : 79/214 : 572/822
- Alamogordo = 47/1
01 : 52/169 : 293/606 - Cape Cod = 29/47 : 34/142 : 126/282
- Columbus = 25/1
06 : 47/110: 595/636 - East Germany = 47/128 : 61/169 : 759/768
- Eilat = 2
0/47 : 34/88 : 135/282 - Ethiopia = 47/83 : 43/133 : 242/498
- France = 29/47 : 34/115 : 135/282
- Indiana = 34/52 : 47/137 : 1
04/312 - Knoxville = 43/124 : 47/119 : 1154/744
- Malta = 11/47 : 34/88 : 152/282
- Maryland = 34/88 : 47/128 : 576/528
- Nevada = 2
0/47 : 34/115 : 751/282 - New Jersey = 43/124 : 47/119 : 2125/744
- Ohio = 29/47 : 16/61 : 117/282
- Tennessee = 34/1
06 : 47/137 : 380/636
Word Sums
Random Words
Shape Words
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
Government Words
- African = 34/52 : 47/137 : 14
0/312- Agreement = 43/88 : 47/155 : 273/528
- Authority = 47/137 : 52/1
06 : 948/822- Conference = 52/88 : 47/182 : 237/528
- Cop = 16/34 : 11/47 : 113/2
04- Democrat = 34/79 : 47/137 : 273/474
- Force = 29/47 : 25/88 : 144/282
- Government = 52/133 : 47/137 : 1
057/798- Hampshire = 52/97 : 47/146 : 291/582
- Huntington = 52/142 : 47/128 : 594/852
- Judge = 2
0/47 : 25/88 : 816/282- Landfill = 34/7
0: 47/146 : 120/420- Luck = 11/47 : 25/61 : 233/282
- News = 16/61 : 2
0/47 : 1035/366- Pacific = 38/47 : 43/142 : 91/282
- Policeman = 43/88 : 47/155 : 218/528
- President = 47/11
0: 52/133 : 393/660- Radio = 29/47 : 34/88 : 144/282
- Republican = 47/1
01 : 61/169 : 420/606- San = 7/34 : 2
0/47 : 131/204- Wars = 16/61 : 29/47 : 1
071/366- Whig = 29/47 : 16/61 : 924/282
Occult Words
- Christian = 47/1
01 : 61/142 : 340/606- Confession = 47/119 : 52/151 : 383/714
- Dualism = 25/79 : 47/11
0: 354/474- Historic = 47/1
01 : 52/115 : 349/606- Miracle = 34/61 : 47/128 : 148/366
- Obey = 2
0/47 : 16/61 : 457/282- Preacher = 47/74 : 43/142 : 242/444
- Seclorum = 34/1
06 : 47/110: 478/636- Time = 2
0/47 : 25/61 : 144/282- Trinity = 43/115 : 47/74 : 738/69
0- Vatican = 25/7
0: 47/119 : 854/420- Yang = 2
0/47 : 16/61 : 448/282
Word Combinations
- Black Box = 25/7
0: 47/146 : 388/420 - Lone Wolves = 43/142 : 47/128 : 188
0/852 - Star of David = 47/119 : 7
0/178 : 1045/714 - The Cabal = 25/52 : 47/164 : 14
0/312 - White House = 52/133 : 47/137 : 1375/798
Number Riddles and Rituals Research
The masonic compass and square used by the Scottish Rite is set at 47 degrees.
47th Problem of Euclid, or the Pythagorean Theorem.
The Tropic of Cancer is at 23.5 degrees North and the Tropic of Capricorn is at 23.5 degrees South, they are separated by 47 degrees.
Abraham Lincoln said, "Four score and seven years ago."
On February 16, 1986, the 47th day of the year, Microsoft H.Q. was relocated to Redmond, Washington on the 47th Parallel North. Prior to that it was headquartered in New Mexico the 47th state and home of the 1947 Roswell incident.
On February 16, 1986, the 47th day of the year, Microsoft H.Q. was relocated to Redmond, Washington on the 47th Parallel North. Prior to that it was headquartered in New Mexico the 47th state and home of the 1947 Roswell incident.
The National Security Act of 1947 went into effect on September 18, anniversary of the cornerstone being laid for Washington D.C.
Building 7 was 47 floors tall with each floor having 47,000 square feet of space.
Barack Obama became the President at age 47.
Joe Biden became the 47th Vice President.
Donald Trump was in the 47 story Midtown Hilton Hotel the night of the election.
The start time of Trump's speech to the World Economic Forum was 11:47 local.
Neil Gorsuch was confirmed Supreme Court Justice on April 7, 2017, or 4/7 like 47.
The NFL had its first Super Bowl in its 47th season.
The World Health Organization was established on April 7th or 4/7 like 47.
I think I got it