Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #31
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #31
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #31
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #31
Jewish Gematria of #31
Day Numerology of #31 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #31 Event Patterns
Reduced Numerology: 3+1 = 4
Reduced Numerology of #4 Research
- Arlen = 23/5
0: 31/85 : 146/300 - Donald = 23/5
0: 31/112 : 119/300 - Fraser = 31/67 : 41/95 : 262/4
02 - Gregory = 5
0/95 : 31/94 : 629/570 - Hermes = 32/68 : 31/94 : 218/4
08 - Hiram = 31/49 : 32/86 : 128/4
02 - Jacob = 13/31 : 32/1
04 : 656/186 - Johnson = 32/95 : 31/94 : 878/57
0 - Kenneth = 32/77 : 31/112 : 2
08/462 - Lewis = 23/68 : 31/67 :1
024/408 - Melinda = 31/58 : 41/131 : 1
09/348 - Nixon = 31/76 : 23/59 : 439/456
- Obama = 14/32 : 31/1
03 : 84/192 - Rodham = 32/59 : 31/1
03 : 173/354 - Shiva = 23/59 : 31/76 : 8
08/354 - Sidney = 31/76 : 32/86 : 548/456
- Snyder = 31/85 : 32/77 : 619/51
0 - Solomon = 31/1
03 : 32/86 : 330/402 - Winona = 31/76 : 32/86 :1
Number Names
Number Placement
- Alabama = 13/31 : 5
0/158 : 56/186 - Barnstable = 31/94 : 32/122 : 1
02/240 - Bismarck = 31/76 : 59/14
0: 225/456 - Columbia = 31/76 : 5
0/140: 315/456 - Denver = 32/68 : 31/94 : 834/4
08 - Ghana = 22/31 : 23/1
04 : 57/186 - Houston = 31/112 : 32/77 : 538/672
- Huron = 31/76 : 23/59 : 378/456
- Korea = 23/5
0: 31/85 : 146/300 - Madrid = 31/49 : 41/113 : 128/294
- Myanmar = 31/85 : 41/1
04 : 582/510 - Oklahoma = 31/76 : 41/14
0: 170/456 - Salem = 14/5
0: 31/85 : 146/300
Word Sums
Random Words
Negative Words
Government Words
- Agenda = 23/32 : 31/13
0: 58/192- Alien = 23/41 : 31/94 : 75/246
- Banking = 31/58 : 41/131 : 1
09/348- Budget = 23/59 : 31/1
03 : 318/354- Calendar = 31/58 : 5
0/158 : 154/348- Facebook = 31/58 : 41/158 : 127/348
- Green = 31/49 : 23/86 : 137/294
- Hookah = 31/58 : 23/1
04 : 127/348- Media = 23/32 : 31/1
03 : 49/192- Naval = 14/5
0: 31/85 : 762/300- Night = 31/58 : 23/77 : 164/348
- Old = 13/31 : 14/5
0: 74/186- Puerto = 32/95 : 31/67 : 495/57
0- Rifle = 32/5
0: 31/85 : 120/300- SpaceX = 23/68 : 31/94 : 459/4
08- Stock = 14/68 : 31/67 : 253/4
08- Takeshita = 31/94 : 59/149 : 324/564
- Years = 23/68 : 31/67 : 576/4
Occult Words
- Alchemy = 31/67 : 32/122 : 467/4
02- Draco = 23/41 : 31/94 : 138/246
- Fallen = 23/5
0: 31/112 : 92/300- Owl = 14/5
0: 13/31 : 970/300- Prana = 23/5
0: 31/85 : 182/300- Purify = 41/95 : 31/67 : 755/57
0- Seeing = 32/59 : 31/1
03 : 156/354- Snake = 14/5
0: 31/85 : 146/300- Sunni = 23/77 : 31/58 : 379/462
- Symbol = 23/86 : 31/76 : 592/516
- Templar = 31/67 : 41/1
04: 296/510
Word Combinations
FALL= 31
ReplyDeleteDAMNED= 31
ReplyDeletePAN= 31