Gematria Sums
Pythagorean Gematria of #48
Simple English Ordinal Gematria of #48
Reverse Reduced Gematria of #48
Reverse Ordinal Gematria of #48
English / Sumerian Gematria of #48
Day Numerology of #48 Event Connections
Date Lesson Numerology of #48 Event Patterns
Gematria Numerology: 4+8 = 12
Gematria of #12 Connections
- Abe = 8/8 : 19/73 : 8/48
- Don = 15/33 : 12/48 : 94/198
- Gamaliel = 33/6
0: 48/156 : 93/360 - Giffords = 48/84 : 42/132 : 252/5
04 - Harrison = 48/1
02 : 51/114 : 358/612 - James = 12/48 : 33/87 : 726/288
- Mantenuto = 33/123 : 48/12
0: 566/738 - Patrick = 33/78 : 48/111 : 263/468
- Rickman = 33/69 : 48/12
0: 173/414 - Tom = 12/48 : 15/33 : 18
- Andrew Jackson = 48/138 : 78/213 :1824/828
- Donald Trump = 48/138 : 6
0/159 : 589/828 - John Boehner = 6
0/114 : 48/183 : 888/684 - Nick Menza = 42/96 : 48/147 : 638/576
- Atlanta = 15/69 : 48/12
0: 263/414 - Cleveland = 33/78 : 48/165 : 798/468
- Delaware = 33/69 : 48/147 :1
016/414 - Flagstaff = 33/78 : 48/165 : 237/468
- Hollywood = 48/129 : 33/114 :15
02/774 - Iowa = 21/48 : 24/6
0: 960/288 - Lake Huron = 42/1
05 : 48/138 : 414/630 - Lake Tahoe = 33/78 : 48/165 : 2
00/468 - Marchant = 33/78 : 48/138 : 263/468
- Melbourne = 42/1
05 : 48/138 : 432/630 - New Mexico = 48/111 : 42/132 : 1342/666
- Roseburg = 42/1
05 : 48/111 : 514/630 - Snohomish = 48/12
0: 42/123 : 375/720
- I.C.U. = 15/33 : 21/48 : 212/198
- K.K.K. = 6/33 : 21/48 : 3
0/198 - N.R.A. = 15/33 : 21/48 : 121/198
- N.W.O. = 15/33 : 21/48 : 121/198
Word Sums
Random Words
Shape Words
Psy-Op Words
Negative Words
- Arsenic = 33/69 : 48/12
0: 228/414- Blood = 21/48 : 24/87 : 126/288
- Damage = 22/31 : 32/131 : 48/186
- Dracula = 24/6
0: 48/129 : 309/360- Evil = 21/48 : 24/6
0: 734/288- Famine = 3
0/48 : 33/114 : 91/288- Fool = 21/48 : 15/6
0: 126/288- Homicide = 48/66 : 42/15
0: 118/396- Holocaust = 33/114 : 48/129 : 522/684
Government Words
- Alto = 12/48 : 24/6
0: 171/288- Assembly = 24/96 : 48/12
0: 638/576- Building = 42/78 : 48/138 : 291/468
- Cell = 14/32 : 22/76 : 48/192
- Crime = 3
0/48 : 33/87 : 127/288- Device = 3
0/48 : 33/114 : 726/288- Diplomatic = 48/1
02 : 60/168 : 286/612- Formation = 48/111 : 51/132 : 366/666
- Long = 21/48 : 15/6
0: 117/288- Plane = 21/48 : 24/87 : 126/288
- Presidents = 48/129 : 6
0/141 : 483/774- Propaganda = 48/93 : 51/177 : 3
04/558- Tal = 6/33 : 21/48 : 121/198
- Trade = 21/48 : 33/87 : 19
0/288- Vaccination = 48/111 : 69/186 : 956/666
- Astrology = 42/132 : 48/111 : 798/792
- Birthday = 42/87 : 48/129 : 6
04/522- Conjunction = 48/138 : 6
0/159 : 1135/828- Freemason = 42/96 : 48/147 : 3
07/576- Holy = 24/6
0: 12/48 : 478/360- Illuminati = 48/12
0: 69/150: 438/720- Necromancy = 48/111 : 51/159 : 652/666
- Operative = 48/111 : 51/132 :1
010/666- Pray = 24/6
0: 21/48 : 541/360- Tefillin = 42/87 : 48/129 : 2
09/522- Witchcraft = 48/111 : 6
0/159 :1210/666- Yin = 21/48 : 15/33 : 449/288
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